Tips for mentoring Generation Y

Gen-Y also know as Generation-We or Millenials (born 1978 -2000) are playing an increasingly important role in voluntary organisations. 
To engage them in your organisation, think about the five areas below:

1. Ditch the negative stereotypes and value strengths
Generation Y are often portrayed as narcissistic, entitled, lazy, coddled, and delusional with short attention spans.  It is simply wrong to label the whole generation with these attributes.  Research shows that Gen-Y volunteers are tech savy activists with a desire to make a difference.  They speak out and support multiple causes, donating time, expertise and money.

2. Focus on the ‘big picture’
Tell your story, emphasising the purpose of your organisation.  Engage Gen-Y to solve specific challenges.  Encourage collaborative teamworking.  Value creativity.  Use video and e-learning to inform volunteers. 

3. Release control & simplify
Empower volunteers to create their own solutions and execute strategies.  Be transparent and honest about how you operate, how your finances work and how you make an impact.  Be flexible.  Create true personal connections by building relationships.  Provide opportunities for Gen-Y to involve their friends and family.  Provide support to address complex issues, help volunteers see potential risks and consequences without squashing their enthusiasm. 

4. Be responsive & value feedback 
Explain the ins and outs of the organisation culture and environment.  Give frequent updates.  Maintain regular communication through a variety of channels especially social media.  Welcome all types of feedback.  Ask what you can do to be better.  Listen and respond to suggestions and concerns proactively.

5. Celebrate success
Show the impact of Gen-Y’ers work.  Value individual contributions.  Recognise collaborative efforts and teamworking.  Validate volunteers’ strengths.  Provide skill development opportunities.  Throw volunteer appreciation parties and social events.  Say “Thank You”.

To get an idea the power and passion of Gen-Y volunteers visit