​OWL Ltd design Volunteer Interviewer Programme Training for England 2015

England 2015’s vision for Rugby World Cup 2015 is “A celebration of Rugby and its unique values, exciting and inspiring our nation and the world to play and support the Game.”
To achieve this vision 6,000 volunteers will make up ‘The Pack’.  These volunteers will be the faces of the tournament, helping to deliver RWC 2015 across England and in Cardiff.  They will play a key role in the delivery of the six-week tournament with a range of roles, including transport, meet and greet, accreditation and way-finding.
Applicants who successfully make it through the online process will be invited to one of the Try Outs.  A 90 minute experience will build excitement and give them an idea what life as a volunteer at RWC 2015 would be like.  It will include a 20 minute one-to-one interview to ensure every volunteer has values and attitude that will work well with the volunteer team. 
England 2015 will train 800 volunteer interviewers who will complete allocated shifts at the 13 Try Outs.  Interviewers will use a common interview tool that will secure a fantastic tournament team. 
Working in partnership with Lee Rhoden, Susan Couper and Holly Hart from England 2015, Carole Thelwall-Jones created a highly interactive training package including Tutor Notes, Slide Presentation, Candidate workbook and Supporting resources.  She designed the training for 15-25 participants lasting 3 hours.  The package was completed in a few months and eleven professional members of the England Rugby Volunteer Team were trained to deliver at each of the VIP Training Venues.