Seven ways a mentor can help their mentee

Mentorships are enduring reciprocal relationships.  Mentors help their mentees succeed through encouraging their achievements and by helping them progress within their organisation.  Mentors provide social and emotional support and serve as role models.

Given the time and effort involved in mentorship, it is work thinking about how both parties can get the most from the relationship.

1. Knowing why
Explore the values, history, motivations, standards that are part of the organisation culture.

2. Knowing what
What are the skills and competencies necessary for success?  What technical information is vital to ‘make it’?

3. Knowing what to avoid
Expose common hurdles and stumbling blocks.  What behaviours and traits will be self-defeating?

4. Knowing who
Facilitate key relationships that will foster success.  Explain organisational politics - who holds power and what are the significant dynamics that might have an impact?

5. Knowing how to act
Share expected behaviours, norms social knowledge, and skills needed for success

6. Knowing how to get on
What are the paths to advancement?  What blind alleys should be avoid?  What are acceptable methods of gaining visibility? Who should know about what?  What activities should be the focus in order to progress?

7. Knowing you are there for them
Task support: reciprocal exchange of ideas and constructive criticism about goal-related products
Social support: mutual sharing of personal problems and aspirations as well as sharing support and protection in the face of external criticism
Anxiety management: affirmation, encouragement, perspective
Ten tips for being a good mentee:
Be proactive – know what you want and need
Keep commitments; meet deadlines
Always strive for excellence
Demonstrate openness to feedback
Demonstrate responsiveness to coaching
Communicate honestly and directly
Accept imperfection and admit mistakes
Keep your expectations of the relationship reasonable
Maintain a sense of humour
Build a network of mentoring ​